Free Stress Ball


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Keeping Your Cool With A Surfing Stress Ball

A stress ball can come in all shapes and sizes. A surfing stress ball is a hand sized ball that has some surfing logo on the ball. It is made of rubber or some other squeezable material and is squeezed by the owner when they feel stressed or anxious. It's a way of getting the stress out of the system by some form of physical activity. Of course a stress ball is not only about physical activity. The various shapes and sizes of stress balls give a psychological aspect to the stress relief. For instance, you can get animal or cartoon figures to use as a stress reliever. Not only can you squeeze away your stress but you can think about the humorous cartoon character and this helps you to relax. The surfing stress ball is much the same. Apart from squeezing out the anxiety, you will also see your 'aloha', palm tree or long board logo and be reminded of the times spent down at the beach. Or maybe you've never been to the beach but can imagine that it will be relaxing, pleasant, sun shining and you are sipping a cocktail. These pleasant associations will add to you sense of relaxation and help to relieve stress.

Stress balls also work in a tactile and auditory sense. You can put different types of material inside a ball or just have a foam rubber type ball. If you have things like rice, dry beans, oatmeal or small beads inside the ball this will give more texture to the hand when it is squeezed. This can have a massage affect on the hand and be soothing. The sound of the rice, beans or beads being squeezed can also be relaxing and soothing.

The stress ball is really a modern adaption of the worry beads or rosary that some catholic people carry around. It helps a person do something to get the frustration out but also helps them to change their focus. These are two great strategies for stress relief. Physical activity helps to get the affects of stress hormones out of the system. People often use exercise or sport to relax after a stressful day at work. And the iconography or imagery of the rosary, or in this case, the surfing stress ball can help a person redirect their thoughts from a busy day at the office.

The medical profession is unsure whether a stress ball actually works. For instance, many doctors believe that deep breathing is a better way to relief stress than squeezing a stress ball. Studies have shown mixed results with stress balls. In reality it seems that it depends on the type of person and the frequency that the stress ball is used. Some people respond to meditation rather than a game of squash as a means of relaxation. These people may not find a stress ball useful. And, if the stress ball is used all the time, it's effectiveness may become diminished or it may become a source of stress in itself.

If you would like to learn how to make a stress ball or get 5 ways to reduce stress today then visit Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to stress including work related stress and herbal remedies for stress and anxiety.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reduce Your Stress With Stress Balls

Of all the methods of stress elimination used, the most popular methods is through good old stress balls. The simple act of squeezing something in your hand can help you ease a few of your concerns, release some built-up tension, and make you feel like you are at least doing something rather than brooding upon everything that has you down. Fortunately, stress balls are easy to find and they can be very effective for some quick relief.

The most common stress balls are the beanbag type that can be picked up at job fairs and industry gatherings. They are very effective, they provide enough resistance to make you feel good and they give off a relieving noise that tells you that something is happening. Sure it is just some sort of filler grating against itself, but darn it, it's something! And when you are stressed, the simple feeling of doing something, anything is its own reward. Plus, you are getting a little bit of a workout for your hands and even this form of exercise can give you some benefits.

As well, there are some liquid filled stress balls that can be very good for relieving your worries. They usually do not give as much resistance as the beanbag type, but they do still provide you with something that will give your hands a workout. This can be a good thing if you tend to squeeze the stress ball a lot, simply because your hands will not get tired as quickly. As well, they tend to squeeze out much more than the beanbag type, so they give you a bit more of a feeling of doing something. However, they also tend to make a serious mess if you happen to break them, since the contents cannot be vacuumed up. But, if you are going to be spending a lot of time squeezing the stress ball, this might just suit your fancy.

However, not all stress balls are the squeezable kind. There are also Chinese stress balls that are made out of very hard materials that are not meant for squeezing. Rather, they come in pairs so that you can roll them around in your hand in order to relieve stress. Also, these stress balls sometimes come with some sort of noisemaker inside that provides a soothing sound other than the noise of the balls banging and rubbing against each other. However, this form of stress ball is usually not very good to use at work, since they do tend to make some noise. But, if you are sitting at home and you want to relieve a little tension, they can be very soothing.

When using stress balls, it is best to treat them as a form of meditation. That is, you concentrate on the stress balls so that you are not worrying about anything else. Feel them in your hand and notice the weight. When you are either squeezing them or rolling them around in your hand, notice how they feel in your palm and in your fingers. Concentrate on putting your concerns into your hand, then putting them into the stress balls, as though they are absorbing all that stress and taking it away. By placing all your thoughts into your stress balls, you can push away all those concerns and worries and put them into an inanimate object that does not notice the stress. Then, once you are done, you should feel as though a burden has been lifted and your mind is cleared.

However, you should also be careful with stress balls, as the squeezable kind can break. Yes, it takes a lot of effort, time and strength to break them, but it can be done. Thus, if you notice any leaks in your stress ball, or you notice that weak spots are starting to appear, you should throw it out and get a new one. After all, the stress of cleaning up some sort of fluid or vaccuuming up a large quantity of small, grainy material can stress you out too. Thus, do not squeeze a stress ball over a computer keyboard. If it does break, you will have a lot of problems that you would much rather avoid -- such as the need to run out and buy and new keyboard.

Used properly, stress balls can have a very beneficial effect on your mind and body. Though the only workout you are getting from them is in your hands, it is at least something. And those people who have to type constantly could also get a nice break from pecking at a keyboard and, by exercising their hands in a different way, will be able to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. So see what is out there, see what you like, and let some stress balls take away those petty concerns for you. for everything to do with stress. Get a free ebook to help with your stress levels:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Shopping for Custom Stress Balls

Stress is a large part of everyone’s life. It can often seem like the demands of the world are constantly increasing. As a result, how one deals with stress is becoming very important to living a healthy life. There are many different ways to deal with stress. Some people work out, others listen to music. Some people play video games or clean up the house. One very simple way to deal with stress is to make use of stress balls.

Stress balls are objects that can be squeezed repeatedly to relieve stress. They can be filled with different substances, but sand is a very common filling. Stress balls can also come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Stress balls also have unique designs. Some may have patterns, while others have smiley faces on their outside.

Stress balls relieve stress by allowing the user to occupy his or her mind with something other than what is stressing them out. Muscles are also put to work, and the rhythmic squeezing motion can be very comforting to the user. Some stress balls may have nice scents, which can help to soothe the mind of someone who is feeling strained. Stress has a lot to do with being out of one’s comfort zone. Every little mishap seems to be a major problem. Simply holding a stress ball can be very comforting to many.

Stress balls are very convenient because they can be used while at work, watching TV, or doing many other activities. Not everyone always has the time to go for a walk, or take a trip to the gym. For people who are extremely busy all the time, stress balls can serve as a quick and easy way to reduce stress. Heart disease and many other health problems are often related to stress. Regular use of stress balls can help to reduce these types of health problems.

And of course, shopping for stress balls should not be stressful at all. The best advice is to be informed when browsing online stores. Doing a bit of research beforehand will help ensure that you find the stress ball that’s right for you (or for whomever you’re buying it for).

Many companies offer custom stress balls, so there are a variety of options available. Customizing a stress ball is a great way to individualize the product for the particular needs or theme of any given organization. Selection at online stores can vary from the basic “little round stress ball” to more niche products like the “golf ball stress ball” or “Christian fish stress ball”. In any case, a good stress ball provider will have plenty of options available for your club, sports team, or company.

John Hanksworth recommends for custom stress balls.

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